Monday, July 11, 2011


This is just another quick update between coming home from Starbucks and starting up my editing again.

I finished the second draft edit of Part I on schedule on June 30, 2011. Now I'm working toward a deadline of August 8, 2011 (G's 23rd birthday!) for the second drafts of Parts II and III.

This seems really unrealistic considering the time it took me to complete Part I, but it's going extremely well so far. Part III is very nearly complete as of now (14/17 chapters ready to go). Part II is a little less far along with 3/18 chapters, but I've already done my first readthrough and the great majority of my chapter plans. Therefore, I know exactly what I want to keep and get rid of, and which scenes go where.

I have been editing pretty much nonstop for the last couple days. If I can keep this up without wanting to pull my hair out, it should be all good.

In other words, a big THANK YOU to the members of my reading team that have begun reading Part I. You've already provided so much awesome feedback, and I'm really happy with this entire thing so far!

1 comment:

  1. What do you find so horrible in that Laura Miller article exactly?
